Msambweni Beach House is seated right on the white beaches giving you direct access to some of the most beautiful wildlife in the area.

Indulge in some snorkeling, swimming in the ocean or pool, fishing, walks on the beach, chats by the fire, a massage at the spa, a workout at the gym, or get a pedicure, all on site.
Nearby you have golf, deep sea fishing, mountain biking, snorkeling, scuba diving, African sailing (a coconut dugout canoe, or a dhow), or just watch the dolphins and the whales.
There is so much to do, that you will definitely need to rest a while to prepare for the next day. The rooms are beautifully decorated, and allow you to feel the ocean breeze and hear the waves lapping onto shore.
Visit the official website to book a room, or learn more about Msambweni Beach House.